Message Of The Day - перевод на Английский
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Message Of The Day - перевод на Английский

Message Of The Day         
  • Default ''motd'' showing on [[OpenBSD]] 5.3
Motd (unix); Motd (Unix); Welcome message
boodschap van de dag (op internet, bericht dat verschijnt met intreden in het internet en informatie of voorstellen verschaft aan de gebruiker)
Last Judgement         
  • The Last Judgment mosaic (14th-century), south facade of Saint Vitus Cathedral, Prague, Czech Republic
  • 0884022358}}. pp. 229–231.</ref>
  • The Grave]]"
  • upright=1.5
  • ''The Last Judgment'', 17th-century [[icon]] from Lipie. Historic Museum in [[Sanok]], [[Poland]].
  • ''The Last Judgment'', mural from [[Voroneț Monastery]], [[Romania]]
Crack of doom; Day of judgment; Judgment Day; Last judgment; Judgement day; Judgment day; Last judgement; Day of Judgement; The Last Judgement; The Last Judgment; Last Trump of Doom; Signs of the Judgement Day; Day of Judgment; Final judgement; Last Judgement; Judgment, Last; Day of judgement; Final Judgment; Judgement Day; Last Day; Final judgment; Crack of Doom; Final Judgement; Judgment date; Great White Throne; Great White Throne Judgment; Last Judgment, The; The Day of Judgement; Day Of Judgment; Universal Judgment; 2012 Judgement Day; The Day of Judgment; Day of Judgment in Islam; Day of Judgement in Islam; Judgment-day; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Judgment Day in Islam; Judgment-day in Islam; Final judgment in Islam; Day of judgment in Islam; Signs of the Day of Judgment
Laatste Oordeel
Day of Judgement         
  • The Last Judgment mosaic (14th-century), south facade of Saint Vitus Cathedral, Prague, Czech Republic
  • 0884022358}}. pp. 229–231.</ref>
  • The Grave]]"
  • upright=1.5
  • ''The Last Judgment'', 17th-century [[icon]] from Lipie. Historic Museum in [[Sanok]], [[Poland]].
  • ''The Last Judgment'', mural from [[Voroneț Monastery]], [[Romania]]
Crack of doom; Day of judgment; Judgment Day; Last judgment; Judgement day; Judgment day; Last judgement; Day of Judgement; The Last Judgement; The Last Judgment; Last Trump of Doom; Signs of the Judgement Day; Day of Judgment; Final judgement; Last Judgement; Judgment, Last; Day of judgement; Final Judgment; Judgement Day; Last Day; Final judgment; Crack of Doom; Final Judgement; Judgment date; Great White Throne; Great White Throne Judgment; Last Judgment, The; The Day of Judgement; Day Of Judgment; Universal Judgment; 2012 Judgement Day; The Day of Judgment; Day of Judgment in Islam; Day of Judgement in Islam; Judgment-day; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Judgment Day in Islam; Judgment-day in Islam; Final judgment in Islam; Day of judgment in Islam; Signs of the Day of Judgment
dag van oordeel


message passing
One of the two techniques for communicating between parallel processes (the other being shared memory). A common use of message passing is for communication in a parallel computer. A process running on one processor may send a message to a process running on the same processor or another. The actual transmission of the message is usually handled by the run-time support of the language in which the processes are written, or by the operating system. Message passing scales better than shared memory, which is generally used in computers with relatively few processors. This is because the total communications bandwidth usually increases with the number of processors. A message passing system provides primitives for sending and receiving messages. These primitives may by either synchronous or asynchronous or both. A synchronous send will not complete (will not allow the sender to proceed) until the receiving process has received the message. This allows the sender to know whether the message was received successfully or not (like when you speak to someone on the telephone). An asynchronous send simply queues the message for transmission without waiting for it to be received (like posting a letter). A synchronous receive primitive will wait until there is a message to read whereas an asynchronous receive will return immediately, either with a message or to say that no message has arrived. Messages may be sent to a named process or to a named mailbox which may be readable by one or many processes. Transmission involves determining the location of the recipient and then choosing a route to reach that location. The message may be transmitted in one go or may be split into packets which are transmitted independently (e.g. using wormhole routing) and reassembled at the receiver. The message passing system must ensure that sufficient memory is available to buffer the message at its destination and at intermediate nodes. Messages may be typed or untyped at the programming language level. They may have a priority, allowing the receiver to read the highest priority messages first. Some message passing computers are the {MIT J-Machine (}, the {Illinois Concert Project (} and transputer-based systems. Object-oriented programming uses message passing between objects as a metaphor for procedure call. (1994-11-11)


Message of the day
Many computer systems display a message of the day or welcome message when a user first connects to them, logs in to them, or starts them. It is a way of sending a common message to all users, and may include information about system changes, system availability, and so on.
Примеры употребления для Message Of The Day
1. There are those who say it‘s pushing you off your message of the day.
2. "Together, we have over 110 MPs in the Lok Sabha," was the message of the day.
3. Bush‘s message of the day was that Washington has provided money and wants to get in people‘s hands.
4. Despite all the speeches in that ornate, wood–paneled room, it was his cigar that was sending the true message of the day.
5. But the sharp–edged approach is being orchestrated for an unpredictable candidate who often chafes at delivering the campaign‘s message of the day.